What's your Covid-19 Procedure?


We have the safest COVID-19 Safety Procedures on the planet since we have the ANTIVIRAL for COVID-19 & most visuses & we freely give it away to anyone who appears to need it or asks! READ THIS & follow the links to learn more! Even though all our models take the anti-viral, our avoidance procedures are second to none.

Since we know that people can't stay in the house forever nor do they want to and humanity would cease to exist as we know it

if we continue to stay six feet apart .... we practice real safe Corona-Virus health procedures!

"first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." President Franklin D. Roosevelt

We REAL Americans are always advancing not retreating in fear ... we need REAL leadership.

Our founder has always sought natural cures to common human disease and viruses since most pharmaceuticals have a litany of detrimental side effects. He has had asthma all his life & from an early age sought a way to reduce the effects on breathing during the common cold or flu. As a result he has taken zinc for over 20 years without having cold or flu symptoms!

Immediately upon the announcement of Corona-virus epidemic, he purchased Zinc for all our models to share in an effort to build our immune system! So we we have been IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONG since the beginning & have not lived a day in fear!  The fear

is worse that the virus... because now we are in prejudicial fear of each other.... even though people coughing may not have the virus & people not coughing could be spreading it, we presume everyone coughing is spreading corona virus.

Secret Corona-virus Medical Research to share so it will be a secret no longer! It's not really a secret in the medical community only, the rest of the world accepts & acknowledges the full benefit however although most doctors know about the research, many assert they do not believe that supplements work despite the research showing the opposite and since our bodies are obviously made from earth materials, it stands to reason the solution to many of our ills is in the earth or our lack of intake of the proper supplements from the earth!

Most doctors refusal to believe in supplements has lead to this atmosphere of fear and fear is a Pandora's box that once opened, cannot be closed, it has to be eradicated from people's mind & that will take time. And it is understandable that most will never fully support natural supplementation since their education & income is based on understanding & use of pharmaceuticals (practicing medicine - pharmaceuticals not practicing cures or remedies...). The medical industry can only make money on regulated pharmaceuticals & would lose a considerable business if everyone used supplements and rarely experienced a cold, flu, HIV, herpes or other virus symptoms ....

In researching Zinc, we found prominent doctors making statements that are seriously concerning and promote fear of supplements for instance saying they are afraid of zinc lozenges - should anyone with no other agenda except inhibiting viruses & disease be afraid of supplements? Come to your own conclusion on the real motivation behind such a statement however, the research contradicts such statements. Should we not be looking at deficiency first to determine it's effect on our condition since we are made of earth materials & need them to sustain life? Afraid of natural supplement but not afraid to support prescriptions that have 10 side effects that could be worse than the original illness?

Other doctors have intimated supplements have no effect & they do not boost the immune system. “It would be great to have a magic pill that could reduce the risk of developing a cold or flu… but at the present time, there is no magic bullet,”This is in stark contrast to the medical research on zinc (google search zinc and inflammation or zinc in the antiviral community or zinc immune system benefits or zinc effect on colds and immune system and you will find thousands of pages to support zinc as a centerpiece and mainstay to the building our immune system against cold, flues, viruses, liver disease, diabetes, cancer (Zinc can halt the growth of cancer cells, some studies says) & more. Cancer clinic dedicated to using Zinc for patients. Harvard Study on how to build your immune system includes Zinc! Yes we should eat better but our food is what it is and most of it is less than vitamin rich even organic foods, we should all take a strong look at supplements rather than listening to people who are afraid of them...

Zinc is no magic bullet, we don't need magic, just something natural that works! However, considering the side effects of what the pharmaceutical industry produces & the associated costs & the fact that they nor the medical community have any bullets for corona-virus, cancer, diabetes, viruses, inflammation,common cold, flues. HIV, Herpes & more, Zinc looks a lot better than the blank bullets we are being offered from the medical society or the new society crumbling solutions that involve avoiding humans. Makes you wonder if we need to have a moratorium on leading doctors being on the board of pharmaceutical companies or pharmaceutical company lobbying....

Social Education not Social FEAR is how we will get past corona-virus & the future corona-viruses which are coming.

No one is allergic to zinc, we have it naturally occurring in our bodies! Even though researchers suggest that we in the US are not zinc deficient, after reviewing the effects of zinc inhibiting the common cold, influenza, HIV, Herpes Simplex 1 & 2, diabetes & other common viruses & diseases here in the US, it would stand to reason that everyone who regularly gets a cold or the flu might be zinc deficient & anyone afraid of coronavirus (coronaviruses and rhinoviruses are the major causes of common cold syndrome) might need to zinc up ....


Click here|Scroll down to Table 1 for Medical Research of  Viruses thought incurable that Zinc Inhibits includes cure dosages

HIV, Herpes, Hepetitas C, HPV, common cold & more Published in April 2019 & includes Coronavirus, then read the research that explains that most of us have zinc deficient diets so we have weak immune systems & are susceptible to these viruses!

Click here for Medical Research  concerning how Zinc inhibits CoronaVirus & all viruses From Nov 2010

Zinc inhibits Cancer Cells from Growing

Click here to understand What the Zinc Finger is & How does it STOPS VIRUSES

Click here for What is Zinc & how does it work?

It's only approximately $6 (pre-pandemic prices) for a 50mg bottle with 100 pills that will prevent or cure you of many  viruses / cancer, stop watching the fear-mongers on TV & start taking zinc & let's regain control of our society & stop losing to societal fear!

How to take Zinc:

Take Zinc with a meal, eat half your meal, then take your zinc pill, then eat the other half of your meal.


In addition to buying bottles of zinc to improve our immune system, the founder bought hundreds of surgical masks for members to wear so they will feel safe to visit! Ask for one when you arrive & keep it in your car as a gift from us to use each time you come back! Plus lots of bleach & alcohol since everyone bought out LYSOL but forgot about the simple non branded disinfectants .... Education not fear is how we will overcome CoronaVirus & any worse future viruses that will surely come! As Americans, we should never quake in fear-no matter the enemy but always be ready to lead the world in learning & progressing! Learn to build up your immune system against all viruses &

Be Well!


We do not want the Corona virus neither do we want to get it & not know we have it but we are also not afraid of getting it as tha we have built up our immune system & know it is up to the task!  Plus as a member responsible measure, we have purchased hundreds of surgical masks which we are providing to members FREE when they come to meet! If you have a mask, you are encouraged to wear it without judgement from anyone here. We know people say they do not do much but if any visitor is coughing or sneezing, it becomes contained in the mask & not floating around in the air. If we cough or sneeze, our visitors are protected! Shoes are left outside the door, all members will have their hands immediately sanitized upon entry. Unmasked members will receive a mask. Members are taken immediately to a theme room.

Shower time is immediate once a member is in a theme room. Clothes placed in a plastic chair we disinfect with bleach post meeting. So there is no clothing contamination with our clothing. After the shower, Members are given a sanitized towel or robe to wear! Members wear mask at all times during visit upon leaving, member takes mask with them. After the playtime, Towels, sheets and robes are washed in bleach & washer/dryer on the sanitize cycle! After member leaves clothing area, all handles, bathrooms are all bleach disinfected!

Plus other health safety measures & procedures are in place such as several air scrubbing germ killing systems in place (house wide, at entrance, in open areas plus extensive cleaning and sanitation as soon as a visitor departs as we have always have been in the practice of the maintaining a high standard of cleanliness. Enjoy our corona-virus safe environment!


We have reduced the number of members  we are inviting/day to 5 or less - members with the oldest membership get priority!

You support us-We support you! We've always protected members legally & discretely, now we add safety for Corona-virus too!

We are corona free & intend to stay stronger than corona-virus & all viruses. Learn to boost your immune system to help fight the virus as well as colds & the flu! We have been cold & flu free for years even when around people with symptoms even though we do not take flu shots! Education & Procedures not fear drives our COVID-19 Safety Procedures! As a result, we have a CORONA-VIRUS safe environment!

If you can think of more we could do, we're open to suggestions! Otherwise come have some fun in our Corona-virus safe environment!